become the new earth leader, who walks the path of the softest surrender, strong devotion, and a deep anchoring -

in your vision, your purpose, and your leadership?


You feel a mission moving through your bones. You know you are here to birth a movement, Lead with devotion, stewardship, and awakened leadership. You are here to be both evolutionary and revolutionary.

You are a visionary, a Sacred CEO. An activator, a leader, and a catalyst who knows that… You are here to live on purpose.

You are here to walk the path that leads you home to your soul, Where you are anchored in your sovereignty, Embodied in your Divinity, And revolutionizing the way you love, lead, parent, and create.

You’ve witnessed glimpses of what it means to be truly, madly, and irrevocably in love with life — where time knows no bounds and abundance exists… Where Divine alignment takes place… in each moment, each opportunity, each interaction.

You find yourself at the right place (at the right time). You attract the most luscious, exciting, expansive job opportunities, business collaborations, divine partnerships, and sacred friendships. You live each day as a powerful, devotional ceremony – to your Soul.

Still, despite these glimpses, despite the taste of blissful possibilities, you’ve ignored this call, And continue to feel stuck in the limitations and projections of this very earthly plane.

It is time now, time to RISE and to FULLY, TRULY Become WHO you Came to BE. To go All-In and lead your Life and Business with confidence, so that you can step up into World-Service.

Expand your ability and capacity ...

Unleash the spiritual and soulful essence of wealth and abundance. A spiritual journey where awakening and personal growth become the catalyst of abundance, where soul and spirituality fuel your journey into financial freedom.


When you work with Camilla Ma Ra, your heart and soul will be on fire and you will gain clarity on where you are called next.

You will be divinely supported in manifesting your next level of growth in every area of your LIFE.


CEO - Soulful Entrepreneur - Mentor - Assisting light leaders manifesting their highest purpose and allowing the soul expression to lead the way.


I Quantum leaped my business income with 7x in 40 days

"As I learn and embody the teachings from Camilla and her True North Leadership program my business income exploded and made a 7X quantum leap in 40 days. I learned to align my own frequency with the frequncy of my business mission, allowing the guidance of my spiritual guides with my business and to trust, my business income made a quantum leap. What I thought was impossible became very possible and true. I anchored it in as my new reality. It was all very Divine, and I was held and supported all the way. The teachings that Camilla offer is teachings of the new era. Forever grateful.”

- Birgitta Seraphima


NEW ERA - Deep in Her

Legacy 30-day


NEW ERA - A 30 Day Immersion
isn’t your typical experience. In fact, when you enter any space in my world, you are held deeply in care, compassion, and called to rise higher in truth, in trust, in surrender, in deepest faith to the Soul Calling placed in your heart.

If you’ve been thirsting, hungering for a new wave of expression, leadership, and creation where your depth, nuance, energy and unique Soul expression is honored – my 30 day immersion is for you.


for soul-led femme leaders of the new era

In Be Her Mastermind we will focus on LEADERSHIP. We will focus on leadership in every part of your life.

We will work on the woman behind the business.

We will focus on femme leadership aspects and weaving every part of your life together as one, as a woman, mother, daughter, divine, leader of a new way, wayshower, visionary, partner, business owner ...

The Gateway Retreat and Sacred Space Facilitator Training

An exclusive 5-day in-person retreat to Elevate your Consciousness of Service Awaken to the call of the Gateway, a sanctuary for the soul-led changemakers of our time. Holding Sacred Space and being the Gateway as a catalyst of others transformation and expansion is a deep honor and a
great responsibility.

The gateway is a training of deeper energetic practice within the depth of
your soul-remembering.

Devoted Magazine Guidebook

This guidebook contains the DEVOTED LEADERSHIP pathway — a holistic, nourishing, and deeply supportive journey where you will uncover and discover your unique blueprint for conscious leadership, communication, organization, and relationships.

It is filled with quotables (for you to print and share) and prompts for reflection, journaling, and expansion in every area of your life.

True North Femme Mentorship

Joining True North Femme Private Mentorship is to start or proceed in the right direction of Ones Soul Path. Our True North is the innermost desire of Ones soul. It is the calling of Ones spirit, the wisdom of the heart dedicated in divine-world service.

We are right now at the very beginning stage of the most important decade we will ever have lived so far in our life. There is a cry for new leadership echoing around the world and within the universe. A leadership of the new era that changes the world.


"Thank you Camilla, you are a pure embodiment of Divine Love and Highest Consciousness, and your Energy always touches my Heart deeply"

- Thea

"I cannot tell you how thankful I feel for this work. It feels like Source guided me to reach out to you Camilla Ma Ra and open up to these teachings! It is the teaching we need for this time in order to embody the process of Ascension. Thank you from the deepest sinews of my being. There is a powerful feeling of embodiment present now, a connection, a clear, powerful flow of life-force energy and a much more embodied Kundalini flow. Wow...

- Karina

Beloved Beautiful Soul,

I'm inviting you to explore the infinite potential of your divine calling and uncover your own brilliance as you align to your inner compass, your inner true north, and find new ways to tread where no-one has gone before.

Wherever your journey is taking you, we walk together.

In Love,

Camilla Ma Ra

Thank you my love,
so happy to connect with you! I can't wait to get to know you more.

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